A lot of people rely on their vehicle to get them where they need to go. What many don’t know is that blowouts can and do happen, sometimes catching us off guard in an instant. Nonetheless, you can manoeuvre safely even if you do end experiencing a tyre blowout. Be mindful when driving, use the information in this guide to keep yourself and others safe.
What to do and what not to do
Avoid sudden braking
As soon as we are unsure of what is happening around us or to us, our adrenaline kicks in. And while we have all heard about emergency braking when driving too close to someone, it’s the last thing you should do here. This is because you risk losing control, potentially spinning or overturning.
Stick to the speed limit
You’re better off sticking to the speed limit. It’s not just a legal matter, but it’s also a safety issue. If you happen to encounter a random road incident, you’re better off going at a slower speed. So, if something goes wrong, such as a tyre blowout, you’ll have more control.
Don’t overcorrect
Maintain control of your vehicle to avoid colliding with other vehicles. Avoid sudden or sharp steering inputs, and try and keep the wheel as straight as possible.
Coast to a stop if you can
If you can, come to a stop gradually rather than slamming on the brakes. Make sure your hazards are on and pull into the emergency lane if possible.
Keeping your tyres maintained is essential. Even if you aren’t due for a maintenance or service appointment, you should check your wheels regularly to ensure they’re in good shape.